Friday, May 23, 2008

Family Retreat

We don't have any plans for Memorial Day Weekend, but last weekend we enjoyed a family retreat with 7 other families from our church. We drove from Gentry to Jasper on Friday. The first picture our state lovingly refers to as the Arkansas Grand Canyon. Yes, a far cry from the real thing I know, but beautiful none the less.

The third picture is the retreat center we all stayed in. It has 8 rooms all with their own bathrooms as well as a large living area, kitchen, and dining areas. It was a beautiful weekend. We traveled with two other families on Friday. The rest of the families arrived in the evening. We enjoyed time around the campfire, homemade ice cream, and fellowshipping together. Saturday a few families went canoeing on the Buffalo River, and a couple of other families went fishing. Those of us with smaller children stayed at the cabin and just relaxed. On Sunday we checked out of the lodge and headed to Lost Valley for a small church service, picnic, and hiking. The last picture is of Andy and Mel during the praise and worship time. After the picnic Andy carried Mel in that front pack on the ENTIRE hiking trip. I'll have pictures of that later. Despite our children getting sick while we were there we had a great time. Anne and Naomi had a lot of fun playing with the other kids. I know it's something we'd sign up for next year if they continue to make it an annual event.
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