Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Dallas Zoo!

We arrived in Irving, TX, around 12:30am last Monday morning so the girls and I stayed at the hotel during the day just resting and recouperating from the late drive. Plus, I wanted Melanie to get acclamated to the hotel room so that she hopefully wouldn't wake up too many times during the night. The first night in a new place is usually the roughest. She'll wake up every three hours or so to eat, which I'm assuming is more for security than anything else.

Tuesday I took the girls to the Dallas Zoo. There was rain in the forecast, but thankfully it never did. It was cloudy off and on throughout our time there which made the temperature pleasant. It was usually in the 80's with some humidity. We had a great time, and Melanie was fantastic!!

Here the girls are playing at the Children's Zoo. It was nice that they could play on the playground equipment while I gave Melanie a bottle.

Look!! A double-yoke egg!! :)

It might be a little tough to tell, but they are in front of the penguins. There's a little guy between them in the pool.

I thought this was a funny picture. It's pretty much how I felt when we were done and back at hotel room!

P.S. I apologize for the spacing between pictures and captions. I still haven't quite figured out how this all works sometimes. I have a difficult time putting the captions exactly where I want them so I inevitably just give up and let it post as is. :( I'm sure no one else really cares, but I do.
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