Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What A Difference a Year Makes!

I know I haven't blogged in a long time so I thought I'd just find some random, cheerful pictures to post. :) Since it's been raining SO MUCH we have not been able to start construction on the house. We are praying that God will close the heavens for a little while after this weekend so that construction can begin. Our house is even more gutted than the pictures I previously posted. I'll have to take a picture of the fifth wheel we're living in now, too. :)

I blogged about my foot challenges a while back...physical therapy helped tremendously, and now I have my orthotics. I have to spend the next few days getting used to them, but I'm excited to have them!!

Please pray for Naomi. She is struggling with allergies. Her poor eyes look like we've been beating her or she's been crying ALL DAY!! We're not sure if it's just seasonal, or if there's mold in the fifth wheel we are living in, or if it's the ragweed (at an all time high!). I was using OTC, but they weren't helping. A parent of one of my student's turned me on to Ozark Herb and Spice. They recommended a natural nasal spray that I can put in her eyes as well. That was working great! While we were gone to KS this past weekend I could tell she was getting better. Since we've been back home it's all flared up again. I guess the next step is to take her to the doctor.

The girls (Anne and Naomi) love school. The second picture I've posted was their first day of home school last year. The third picture is their first day of school this year! What a difference a year makes! They look so young in last year's picture!! Time flies...

The first picture is of Jaron and Melanie at Courtney and Garret's birthday party this past August.

I guess I should also add that I'm enjoying school, too. It's really awesome to be teaching in a Christian environment, and knowing that my girls are learning in the same environment. Gives me peace about their education. A first year in a new subject is always tough. I can get caught up on lesson plans, but then grading falls behind or vice versa. Because the parents are literally investing in their students education the standards/expectations are really high--unlike most parents I'm used to dealing with in a public school. Honestly, I miss teaching math. Social studies is a stretch for me, but I'm learning so much!! I'm also growing and learning so much more in my relationship with God also. He continues to amaze me every week, if not every day!
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