Monday, March 31, 2008

Pre-birthday Shopping Trip with Neena!

Shopping for a dress is right up Naomi's alley! Mom decided that she wanted to take her granddaughters shopping for a dress for their birthday. Naomi is the first birthday this year of the grandkids. I got to tag along--without Melanie! :) Naomi loved being the center of attention and always referred to herself as the princess birthday girl! It was fun to get to spend that time with just her! Her world has been rocked quite a bit with the arrival of Melanie so this was well-deserved time for her.

We started the evening off with dinner at the restaurant of her choosing--Applebees! The girls just love the place since I took them to eat there a few weeks ago when we were out shopping. Then we went to a few stores to try on dresses. Naomi ate up every minute of it!! Unfortunately I don't have a picture of her in the dress she ended up getting, but I'll try to remedy that soon and get it posted.

In the car on the way to dinner. The crown happened to be in the seat already, and she had fun wearing it all evening long!
One of the MANY dresses she tried on. Of course you have to give it the "twirl" test!

Mom with her grandgirls! This picture was taken we we arrived back home. Mom got some "Little Miss Sunshine" pajamas for Anne because she calls Anne her Sunshine Girl.
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