Monday, March 31, 2008


I realize that Easter was over a week ago, but better late than never! :) It is late, and the girls are all in bed asleep. So, I thought I would blog A LOT! :)

Anne and Naomi enjoyed dying eggs this year. This was the first time I did this with them at home. Usually we are at another relatives house or traveling.
I made and decorated these the night before. Some of the bunnies look a bit derranged. Just don't look directly into their eyes. :)
Here are the cousins on my side of the family after hunting for eggs in Mom and Dad's front yard. It was cold, but not near as cold as last year!
Mom had birdhouses for the grandkids to paint. It was a great project to keep them occupied. I know my Grandma Dick would have loved seeing them paint these. Birds and birdhouses were one of her favorite things--next to loving God.
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