Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Melanie's One Month Stats!

Failing to thrive is definitely not a problem for our newest princess!! She had her one month appointment today. She now weighs in at 12.5 lbs. and is 22 1/2 inches long!!! Our doctor commented that her weight was off the charts for a baby her age. And to think I was a little worried with all the spitting up she's been doing. It evidently is not enough to hinder her weight progress. :) She's sleeping almost 4 hours at a time at night, but she really doesn't want to settle down to sleep until around midnight. That's difficult on her mommy because she's NOT a night owl. :) Hopefully it won't be too long before she's sleeping a little longer than 4 hours. :)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Trimming the Tree!

I've had the tree up for about a week, but hadn't got around to decorating it, yet. All I did was put the tree on top and the gold garland around it. The girls put all of the ornaments on it. Needless to say, I need to get some more ornaments. I was thinking of having a primarily gold tree, but I'm not entirely sure. I might try to go look at ornaments this week with the girls--we'll see. :)

Here's the finished product. (at least till I put the finishing touches on it. :)) I tried to get the girls to spread the ornaments out a little, but you can see my advice fell on deaf ears. They had a lot of fun doing it, though. They even spent some time rearranging the ornaments till they were where they wanted them. They probably just liked playing with the tree. I'll post MY finished product later. :)
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Cross-eyed Gangsta' Girl!! :)

I realize that updated pictures of Melanie are long over due. So, here are a couple. These were taken last week. She is gaining more control every day, but we get such a kick out of her when she goes cross-eyed. :) She's growing so quickly. In a couple of days she'll be a month old. (I can hardly believe she's been in our lives that long.) Then we'll have her one month stats to post.

Here's our little gangsta. We were amused at her hand symbols.
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

One Week Stats!

Today Melanie had her one week appt. with our family physician. She is doing great! She is currently 9 lbs. 10 oz. She is still 21 " long, but everything looks great!! Sorry, I don't have any recent photos. Maybe next time.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Little Sleeping Beauty!

Here's our little sleeping beauty. The past two nights since we've been home from the hospital haven't been too bad. We'll get it all straightened out eventually. :) She slept for quite a while this morning. I finally just woke her up so I could change her and she could eat. She seems to sleep best on her side. She was also slightly jaundiced so we put the pack-n-play in the sun porch so she can get some natural light while she sleeps. Of course, I'm extrememly biased, but she looks so precious.

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