Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Even though Melanie is only 4 days old we all got out and took the girls trick-or-treating. It was a lot of fun. We took them to Andy's office first at Simmons Foods, Inc., and then to Allen Canning offices where my mom works. Finally we walked down Main St. here in Gentry before going home to pass out candy to others. The girls have gotten a lot of mileage out of these princess dresses. My mom made them for the girls a couple of years ago. This will probably be the last Halloween they will wear them. I had found a fleece cat costume for Melanie so she wasn't left out.

The girls in their costumes.
Melanie's not really in the mood for a photo opp. :) It's time for her to eat, and that was all that was on her mind. :)
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Monday, October 29, 2007

Welcome Home!

WE'RE HOME!!! Melanie and I got to come home this morning!! We are both doing GREAT--especially now that we're home. Notice how much I use the word, "home." LOL
We took this picture this morning after she had a full tummy and changed into her "going home" clothes.

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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Welcome, Melanie Kate, Princess #3!!!!

I was scheduled to be induced on Friday morning. Since Anne and Naomi were both 9 lbs. when they were born I didn't want to take the chance of delivering a baby bigger than that. :) The hospital called me the day before to let me know the OB ward was full!! So, we had to wait for the hospital to call when a room was available. They finally called us Friday night around 8:30pm. Off to the hospital we go. They started my epidural, but when the Dr. checked me he wasn't so sure that Melanie was head down. When they did an ultrasound to be sure we found out that she was breach. My options were to go home and see if she would turn in a couple of days, try to turn her at the hospital, or a C-section. We were not expecting to have to make this decision, but after much diliberation we decided to do the C-section. I was already full term so going home wasn't an option to me. :) Melanie Kate made her debut at 12:38am, October 27, 2007. She weighed 9lbs. 2 oz., and her length was 21 inches long!

Mom and Melanie are both doing great!! My recovery has been going really well.
Our new family of five! Anne and Naomi were excited about their new sister, but they were also concerned about their mommy. They weren't so sure about the IV I was attached to. Plus, they've never been in a hospital room.
Here is Melanie in her daddy's hands. This is one of my favorite pictures so far! :)
I'm sure there will be more pictures to come. Stay tuned! :)
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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pumpkin Pancakes!

I tried a new recipe this morning, and it turned out great!! Fall is my favorite time of year, and now this recipe is an added bonus! :) I received the recipe from a lady in our homeschool group, and thought I would share it with all of you. Here it is:

Pumpkin Pancakes
1 1/2 c. flour
1/2 c. cornmeal
1 t. cinnamon
1/2 t. ginger
1/2 t. nutmeg
1/2 t. salt
1/2 t. baking soda
4 t. baking powder

Stir dry ingredients to mix, then add:
2 c. buttermilk (or 1 T. vinegar in bottom of measuring cup and fill with milk for each cup of "sour milk")
1 c. pumpkin puree
6 T. brown sugar
2 eggs

Beat until smooth and pour into heated skillet in 1/3 c. amounts. Makes about 11-12 big cakes.
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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Right Choices Corn Maze!

Let me just start by saying, "WHAT A DAY!!" Today I took the girls to a corn maze in Southwest City, MO. We all had a great time!!! There was so much to do there. We were there all afternoon. We could have easily stayed during the evening as well with all there was to do. If you'd like to check out the website it is:

Here the girls are standing at the beginning of the corn maze. I let them choose if they wanted to do the short or the long. Of course, they wanted to do the long one. The time estimated to complete the long one was 30 minutes. Let me remind those of you reading this I have only 13 days till my due date. :)

I let the girls each pick out a pumpkin. We'll carve one of them, and the other I plan to scoop out. I'd like to roast the seeds and bake the meat to use for bread or pie. We'll see how ambitious I am. I think it would be an awesome thing for the girls to experience.

We didn't get lost too many times. :) The girls had such a great time. I can't wait to take them again.