Monday, March 29, 2010

Naomi is 7 today!!

OMG! Two posts within a week has got to be a new record for me! :) But I had to make sure that I posted about Naomi turning 7 today! I can hardly believe it!!! I've put up a Happy Birthday banner and some decorations for her to come home to this afternoon. Andy, Drew, Mel, and I are going to have lunch with her at school. This evening we're going to eat at La Huerta's so they can sing to her and put the big sombrero on her head! LOL! Her party will be this Saturday, and she chose a baseball theme since this is the first year she is playing t-ball.

Naomi, you still enjoy all things girly. It is fun to watch you grow up. Most of the time you want to do/have what your big sister, Anne, does. There are also times when you are trying to figure out what you like. I love that you are your own fashionista. You are doing so well in school. Your daddy and I are so proud. I get a kick out of the fact that your teeth are taking FOREVER to come in! I remember when you were so frustrated that Anne was loosing teeth, but you weren't. Now if your not careful I'm going to have to start blending your food so you can sip it through a straw. :) Keep paving your own way. God created you the way that you are, and I'm excited that we can celebrate that especially today! I love you!

This first picture was taken at the sitters. I'm not sure what age, maybe 2 or 3. The second one was taken at age 5. You were checking out the twirl factor of the dress. The last one was taken just a few days ago. You are growing into such a beautiful young lady.

Happy 7th Birthday, Naomi! We love you VERY MUCH!
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