Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Terribly Overdue!!

I'm sorry these pictures are terribly long overdue! These are pictures of the girls on Halloween. We went trick-or-treating down main street here in town, and then to Mammy's (Andy's step-mom) house for a "vintage" Halloween celebration. The girls were excited because there was a good spread of food. We are not really into "celebrating" Halloween, but the girls had fun dressing up and seeing family.

My little ballerinas. Those are the tutus I made. The only thing I didn't like about them is that they bunched up in front when they walked. They didn't turn out too bad for my first attempt. The girls haven't played in them since, so I don't think that I have to worry about making them in other colors. :)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For some reason, spraying the creniline (sp?) with hair spray came to mind... I think that might help with the bunching:) Cute, though:)
