It's almost hard to believe that one year ago today Melanie joined our family. I still remember anxiously awaiting for the phone call from the hospital to let us know they had a room. When we arrived at the hospital we prepared for induction. Who would have guessed that there was enough room in my belly for her to flip around during the epidural. She came into the world via c-section, much to mommy's chagrin. Even weighing in at 9lbs. 2 oz. she seemed so small, but boy could she wail!!! She has a voice that carries, and she's not afraid to use it. I have thoroughly enjoyed this first year of her life. So many things I forgot about since Anne and Naomi were that young. She loves to laugh. She will even laugh during TV shows when you hear the studio audience laughing. Too cute!! I can only imagine what this next year of her life will hold. God bless you Melanie! You certainly are a blessing to anyone who comes in contact with you!

These were taken the weekend she was born. She was a little jaundiced, but nothing a little sun time couldn't cure.

These two were taken yesterday, Oct. 26. She is wearing an adorable outfit my mom and dad gave her for her birthday! She's starting to figure out the whole smiling for the camera things. :)
I'm not sure why the gap between pictures. I haven't found an easy way to comment above or under pictures without a lot of difficulty. If anyone out there knows--please clue me in!
Happy Birthday big girl!!!!!
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