Sons are indeed a heritage from the LORD, children a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the sons born in one's youth. Happy is the man who has filled his quiver with them. Psalm 127:3-5
Friday, July 25, 2008
Before and After
Here is a before and a projected after picture of our house. Notice the big shadow behind our van--the huge red dumpster! :) There are so many details about the addition we are doing. It would be silly and confusing for me to try to explain them all now. I'll try to do it with pictures as progress is made. Right now Andy is in the process of dismantling the back deck and gazebo. Then he'll bust up the sidewalk along the side of our house and the cement floor of the garage. New footing has to be dug and put in place before the framers come in. The framers are scheduled to start Aug. 4th. I'm getting excited and anxious as things get closer to happening. Ryan, are you sure you couldn't fly in for a couple of weeks! :)

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1 comment:
So, are you adding a 2nd story AND a side addition? I'm terrible with spatial things!
It's going to be AWESOME!!!
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