As soon as we receive a book in the mail our girls want to immediately sit down and read it. And this was no exception. Three Cups is about a five-year-old boy who is given three cups from the family cupboard for his birthday. He then learns how to divide his allowance between three cups; saving, spending, and giving.
My personal take is that the story is short, sweet, and to the point. As a Mom I really did expect the storyline to have a little more to it as I thought it ended rather abruptly. I also thought the pictures in the book appeared rather dull and should have been brightened up somehow. At any rate, at the end of the book my 3 daughters did want to each have 3 cups of their own. So the book did achieve it's point.
I received a complementary copy of Three Cups through the Thomas Nelson Publishing Booksneeze program in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.