Sons are indeed a heritage from the LORD, children a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the sons born in one's youth. Happy is the man who has filled his quiver with them. Psalm 127:3-5
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Getting Ready for Valentine's Day!
The weather never ceases to amaze me!! Last Sunday was so nice that I decided to do my lesson plans in the unfinished part of our house. The girls had Valentine cards to fill out so we just had one big work time at a card table in what will some day be our kitchen! Of course today the weather was too cold to spend anytime out there, but Andy did manage to get some more things done in that part of the house.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Ice Storm '09
I realize, as usual, this is a late post. I thought I would show a little (and I do mean little) glimpse of the effect of the ice and snow in our area a couple of weeks ago. There was a lot of major damage in our area, but thankfully not specifically to us. We had more ice than snow, and it wreaked a lot of havoc. We were out of school Tuesday through Friday that week!! We are extremely thankful that no damage was done to our house. We were without power for two days, but we stayed at my parents' house. They never lost power. Some places in the rural areas are just now getting power once again.
My brother, Justin, works as a lineman for one of the electric companies in the area. They were working like crazy to get everyone up and running again.
I was not an English major in college so my description will never do the results of the storm justice. There are piles of broken limbs everywhere you go in our area. We went to Springdale/Fayetteville this past Saturday, and it was just amazing to see how much more tree damage they incurred.
I'm very thankful for God's protection.
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