Sons are indeed a heritage from the LORD, children a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the sons born in one's youth. Happy is the man who has filled his quiver with them. Psalm 127:3-5
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Anne's Soccer Debut!
This fall we signed Anne up for soccer. She really enjoyed the season. We plan to sign her up in the spring again. Thankfully she'll be able to be on the same team, and they will keep the same uniform. Her team was undefeated until their second game in the tournament. The only position she didn't play was goalie. Before the season was over her coach discovered that she's pretty good at throwing the ball in. At least she would get it to her own teammate, and not just throw it somewhere on the field. :)

Catching up!
Here are some long overdue pics of our pumpkin carving adventure this year. This was the first time that I ever carved a pumpkin--that I can remember. It was a lot of fun, but the pulp is hard to get out completely. Ewwww! :) I carved Melanie's for her. She would eat the seeds as I took them out of the pumpkin! Too funny! I did dry out the seeds and toast them later, but none of us ate them. I guess we're not big fans of pumpkin seeds. Oh well. Next year I'll wait till a couple of days before Halloween to do the carving. The pumpkins started molding too soon, and we ended up throwing them out a few days before Halloween. We'll definitely do it again next year!
I'd even like to see if I can find a pie pumpkin before Thanksgiving is over. I would like to keep the seeds to plant in the spring so that we can have our own pumpkins in the fall. We'll see. :)

I'd even like to see if I can find a pie pumpkin before Thanksgiving is over. I would like to keep the seeds to plant in the spring so that we can have our own pumpkins in the fall. We'll see. :)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
My Oldest Baby is 8!!
Anne turned 8 years old today. Where does the time go? I made waffles for her this morning per her request. Then I got Subway and Andy and I had lunch with her at school. This evening we went to a Mexican restaurant, La Huerta's, for dinner. The wait staff came out and sang to her. She was a little embarrassed but enjoyed her dessert. :) This weekend we'll celebrate again with more family and friends from school and church. She wanted a soccer theme this year. Since our house is finished I'm going to attempt to make her cake.
Happy Birthday my dear oldest Anne girl! You are loved very much!! I enjoy watching you turn into a young lady. I continue to pray that you will grow as Jesus did, in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man.

Happy Birthday my dear oldest Anne girl! You are loved very much!! I enjoy watching you turn into a young lady. I continue to pray that you will grow as Jesus did, in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Here's our little man!!! He's starting to change in his looks quite a bit now. I finally caught him smiling with my camera. He'll be 3 months on the 26th of this month, but he's been smiling since he was 4 weeks. It was just hard to catch him long enough to take a picture. These were taken during one of Anne's soccer practices. We were waiting out the rain so Drew provided us with some entertainment. :) He's such a CUTIE!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Big Girl Bed and a Razorback Fan!
Here are a couple of pictures of Melanie and her big girl bed. Andy's mom came down for a few days after we had Drew. She offered to us a bunk bed set. It's a twin/full combination, but unlike the one the girls have, it comes apart (top from bottom). The one that Anne and Naomi has does not. So when we get the old master room cleaned out the bunk beds that don't come apart will go in Anne's "new" room. Naomi will use the full size part of the bunk beds from Andy's mom, and Melanie is currently using the twin size part. Thankfully since it's the top part the railing comes really high above the mattress so we don't have to worry about her falling off. She's been doing really well sleeping in it, but every once in a while points to the crib.

Of course I couldn't resist posting a pic of our newest Razorback fan. :) I took this when he was about 2 1/2 weeks old, I think. He'll be one month old this Sunday!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Pink vs. Blue
Friday, July 3, 2009
Introducing Andrew Ethan Boyd!!!
We finally have a boy!!!! Andrew Ethan Boyd was born at 8:35am on June 26, 2009. He weighed 10lbs. 2oz. and was 20 inches long. He came by way of c-section, and the doctor commented that he almost didn't make the incision long enough to get his head through. :) Then when he felt how heavy he was he exclaimed that he thought Andrew was a 10 pounder. Then my anesthesiologist, not to be outdone, exclaimed, "10-1!" It was quite funny because then the rest of the OR staff started chiming in their thoughts on his weight. As much as I was not looking forward to the procedure I was glad to be awake through it all. I wouldn't have wanted to miss a moment!!!
Andrew is one week old now, and just as sweet as ever. He has already worked himself into a wonderful routine. He has already spoiled me, too. He has slept 6-7 hours straight for the past two nights!! The girls just love him, and are always asking to hold him. I know I'm really going to have a hard time leaving him when it's time to get into the swing of school.

Andrew is one week old now, and just as sweet as ever. He has already worked himself into a wonderful routine. He has already spoiled me, too. He has slept 6-7 hours straight for the past two nights!! The girls just love him, and are always asking to hold him. I know I'm really going to have a hard time leaving him when it's time to get into the swing of school.
The first picture was taken in the nursery right after he was born. Pic #2 was later that day in my room. Pic #3 was taken Sunday just before we were released to go home, and pic #4 was taken at home. He's a belly baby, too. I'll have to post this one next to one I have of Melanie. They look very similar.

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Girlie backgrounds!
Good Morning! At least it is right now. Melanie is an early riser so I've been up with her for a while. I thought I would enjoy a more girlie background before our little guy arrives at the end of June. I will be changing the blog name, too, of course. I think I have that finally figured out, but you'll have to wait till he arrives to find out what it is. :)
Andy and I are headed to Tulsa, OK, later today for a friend's wedding. Through the magic of Facebook Andy has reconnected with several guys he knew in the Navy. One of them is getting married this weekend. I'm sure it will be a reunion with several Navy buddies. I'm just looking forward to a night away without our girls! We have a trusted sitter staying with them, and the girls couldn't be more excited--at least Anne and Naomi. :)
Okay, Mel is evidently done with her breakfast. Adios amigos!
Andy and I are headed to Tulsa, OK, later today for a friend's wedding. Through the magic of Facebook Andy has reconnected with several guys he knew in the Navy. One of them is getting married this weekend. I'm sure it will be a reunion with several Navy buddies. I'm just looking forward to a night away without our girls! We have a trusted sitter staying with them, and the girls couldn't be more excited--at least Anne and Naomi. :)
Okay, Mel is evidently done with her breakfast. Adios amigos!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Naomi Turned 6!
Naomi turned 6 at the end of March! Sometimes I can hardly believe it!! Since our house is not finished we had her birthday bash at a nearby hotel. They offered a birthday package complete with use of the indoor pool, a suite for 1 night, and use of the eating area for partying. So, Naomi had a swim/slumber party for her birthday. Naomi loved it, and all the girls seemed to have a good time.
It all started with the swim party from 4-6pm. Then they dried off and gathered in the common eating area for pizza, birthday, cake and presents. Afterwards I took the girls to the suite for the slumber party. Thankfully my two nieces, Loren and Aspen, helped me with all of this. I'm not sure that I would have made it through the whole thing without them. In the suite we all changed into PJs and made name bracelets. Then the girls watched a Barbie movie to settle down before sleeping. The girls were all asleep by 11pm!! :)
The next morning we went back to the eating area for the free continental breakfast provided by the hotel. The girls' were all picked up by 10am.

It all started with the swim party from 4-6pm. Then they dried off and gathered in the common eating area for pizza, birthday, cake and presents. Afterwards I took the girls to the suite for the slumber party. Thankfully my two nieces, Loren and Aspen, helped me with all of this. I'm not sure that I would have made it through the whole thing without them. In the suite we all changed into PJs and made name bracelets. Then the girls watched a Barbie movie to settle down before sleeping. The girls were all asleep by 11pm!! :)
The next morning we went back to the eating area for the free continental breakfast provided by the hotel. The girls' were all picked up by 10am.
From left to right: Anne, Loren, Melanie, Naomi, and Aspen. Melanie enjoyed swimming so much!! She's a fish just like my other two!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter Sunday!
Easter weekend was such a roller coaster of weather. Saturday it was beautiful. I even got a little sunburned because we were outside all afternoon. Then Sunday was rainy and cold all day!! The girls still enjoyed wearing their dresses. We had just bought them Friday. They had fun picking them out and giving them the "twirl" test in the dressing room. I ended up buying Anne and Naomi both size 7 dresses. It's hard to believe that they are 18 months apart in age.

Melanie wasn't feeling very well. I took her to the doctor Saturday morning because she woke up wheezing and had a fever. She was put on Zithromax. We were already using the inhaler that was prescribed for her when she was diagnosed with RSV last November. She is no longer fevering, but still coughing. Hopefully it will all clear up by the end of the week. Since she wasn't feeling well she wouldn't stand with her sisters for the picture. So, daddy picked her up, and she managed a little smile. :)
The weekend was busy, but fun!! Saturday was spent with Andy's side of the family, and Sunday with my side of the family. The girls made out like bandits on Easter candy.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Baby BOYd
It's me! :) I know it's been a long time. :) I don't have any house updates, but I do have a baby update. I had an ultrasound done this past Monday where the tech comes in and measures all kinds of parts of the baby while in utero! Totally amazing to me still, even though this is the 4th one!! :) My OB/GYN has a new ultrasound machine in his office. One that does even 3D and 4D images!! We don't plan to have those done because I still want some element of surprise when the baby is born. Although, the tech did change to 3D when looking at the face.
The point of my blog entry is to announce that we are finally having a BOY!!!!! I am not going to post the picture to prove it, but I am a believer!! My OB/GYN has said so since I was 14 1/2 weeks along, but I could never see what he saw in the ultrasounds. It was VERY OBVIOUS this last time--NO DENYING IT NOW!! So, it will be fun to welcome baby Andrew into our mostly girl home towards the end of June.
The point of my blog entry is to announce that we are finally having a BOY!!!!! I am not going to post the picture to prove it, but I am a believer!! My OB/GYN has said so since I was 14 1/2 weeks along, but I could never see what he saw in the ultrasounds. It was VERY OBVIOUS this last time--NO DENYING IT NOW!! So, it will be fun to welcome baby Andrew into our mostly girl home towards the end of June.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Getting Ready for Valentine's Day!
The weather never ceases to amaze me!! Last Sunday was so nice that I decided to do my lesson plans in the unfinished part of our house. The girls had Valentine cards to fill out so we just had one big work time at a card table in what will some day be our kitchen! Of course today the weather was too cold to spend anytime out there, but Andy did manage to get some more things done in that part of the house.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Ice Storm '09
I realize, as usual, this is a late post. I thought I would show a little (and I do mean little) glimpse of the effect of the ice and snow in our area a couple of weeks ago. There was a lot of major damage in our area, but thankfully not specifically to us. We had more ice than snow, and it wreaked a lot of havoc. We were out of school Tuesday through Friday that week!! We are extremely thankful that no damage was done to our house. We were without power for two days, but we stayed at my parents' house. They never lost power. Some places in the rural areas are just now getting power once again.
My brother, Justin, works as a lineman for one of the electric companies in the area. They were working like crazy to get everyone up and running again.
I was not an English major in college so my description will never do the results of the storm justice. There are piles of broken limbs everywhere you go in our area. We went to Springdale/Fayetteville this past Saturday, and it was just amazing to see how much more tree damage they incurred.
I'm very thankful for God's protection.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired!!!!
It all started before Christmas break. The girls came down with stomach viruses which of course got passed on to me, and then onto my parents in time for Christmas since we were staying with them at the time. We finally got through that, but recently the girls had strep throat. Last week Naomi was diagnosed with strep, an ear infection, and pneumonia in her right lung. The nurses and I had to hold her down for a shot in her rear, and then she received antibiotics for the ear infection. Anne was diagnosed a couple of days later with strep, and had the priviledge of taking some "nasty" medicine. Just this week Anne was crying of an ear ache. When Andy took her to the clinic the ear infection was so severe that they let him look at it. He described it as looking burnt with white blisters on it. So now Anne is on an antibiotic for that, but I guess it's not as "nasty." Melanie has been coughing off and on. She was diagnosed before Thanksgiving with RSV so we figure the coughing is a continuation of that. Otherwise she's her jolly self. Now I've got a head cold, and hopefully that's as far as it goes.
All that to say, "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired!!!" I'm praying we all have immune systems of steel after this school year!!!!
All that to say, "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired!!!" I'm praying we all have immune systems of steel after this school year!!!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I Need to Explain Something
In my effort to be effecient I saved a lot of picture posts as drafts thinking that I would just type on them later and post to my blog. Well, since I drafted them all last night they are going to post under Saturday, Jan. 3. I guess it doesn't matter when you actually post them. It only matters when you drafted them in the first place. So, I guess my post for Saturday, Jan. 3, is going to get pretty long even though I'm actually posting them days later. I really don't want to go through the hassle of deleting them and reposting them, so please bear with me. :) If none of this made sense, I'm sorry. :)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
From Beginning to Almost End!
2nd Floor Pictures!
Some people have been asking to see pictures of the inside of the house. So here is an idea of what the second floor looks like. The first picture is of the loft area that overlooks the living room downstairs. I took the picture from the doorway of the "media" room.
The second picture is a view of the "media" room from the south wall, and the third picture is a view from the north wall of the "media" room. Pictures really don't do it justice--especially since I'm the one taking them. :)

The second picture is a view of the "media" room from the south wall, and the third picture is a view from the north wall of the "media" room. Pictures really don't do it justice--especially since I'm the one taking them. :)
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