Monday, December 29, 2008

A Little Randomness!

I guess it took me long enough to get back to posting. When I'm on my computer so much as school it's the last thing I want to do at home--even on break! Anyway...

I was blown away by the generosity of my students in their gift giving. I was blessed with very thoughtful things. Sometimes I think I'm crazy for going back to teaching when so much is going on with the house, let alone trying to raise 3 girls, and then of course there's #4 on the way. The official due date is July 3, 2009. I find this ironic since I'm teaching American History this year! :)

On to more randomness...
This first picture is of Naomi and Melanie. I heard them laughing and carrying on in the bathroom, and that's what I found when I walked in. Because we are living in just two bedrooms right now we have the cat's food and water in our bathroom, but the litter box is in the girls' bathroom. Thus the reason for all the Wal-Mart sacks. Naomi and Melanie had a blast playing in the tub with Wal-Mart sacks instead of water!!

The second picture is of the girls sitting on a trailer waiting for the Christmas parade in Siloam Springs to start. Upward Bound Gymnastics always has a couple of trailers for the younger gymnasts to sit on while the older ones tumble during the parade. This year I was a parent volunteer, but I got to sit on the trailer with the girls instead of walk with the tumblers.
The last picture is of another teacher who is 9 weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy. One day we wore the exact same Old Navy maternity sweater and brown slacks. It was so corny we had to take a picture. Thankfully she teaches downstairs, and I teach upstairs. I'm not showing yet, but I didn't want to spend money on regular dress code approved apparel and then have to turn around when I do start showing and spend money on dress code approved maternity clothes--Ugh!! So I'm wearing maternity clothes already, but they are much more comfortable. :)Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 19, 2008

One Semester Down!

I know that I haven't blogged since Thanksgiving Break. Now it's almost Christmas!! I'm typing this entry while waiting for the Headmaster of our school to let the teacher's know that we can finally leave...We just go the okay to leave!!! I'll finish my thoughts later! We're blowing this popcicle stand!!!