Wednesday and Thursday of our trip were spent seeing family. Keep in mind that Andy is in class all day while the girls and I are out and about.
Wednesday morning we drove out to see my cousin Brent's wife, Stephanie and their 2 year old son, Mason. They just bought a new house last October. I'm sorry that I don't have a picture of it, but it was really nice!! The girls enjoyed playing with Mason in his playroom upstairs. My Aunt Linda Ziemann (my dad's oldest sister) came over as well. We took the kids to eat at McDonalds so that they could play some more and we could continue visiting. :) After lunch Stephanie took Mason home for a nap, and the girls and I ventured out to the Grapevine Mills Mall. This place was HUGE!! To complete the full circle of the mall was 1 mile! Wednesday evening we ate Mexican food with my Aunt Linda, Uncle Dick, Brent, Stephanie, and Mason.
Thursday morning we went out to my Aunt and Uncle's house in Kellar. I was able to visit another cousin of mine, Wendy. She works at their house for my uncle's appliance business. It was great to visit with her. She has two daughters, but they were in school. We visited for a couple of hours, and then my girls and I hit a shopping area in South Lake on our way back to the hotel. I know it sounds like we did a lot of shopping, but nothing was bought on either Wed. or Thurs. I was looking for shoes to wear at Six Flags because the ones I had brought rubbed sores on the back of my ankles when we were at the zoo. I'm pretty picky about shoes so it took me a while to find what I was looking for. :) When Andy was done with his class we went back to the Grapevine Mills Mall and ate at the Rainforest Cafe. Then we walked around the mall to try to work off what we ate. :)
I did finally get a pair of shoes at The Parks in Arlington Friday night. I was looking for a pair of comfortable slides so that I wouldn't have anything rubbing the back of my ankles again. I have said before that I would never buy a pair of Crocs because I don't like the way they look--no matter how comfortable I hear they are!! Well, I did buy a pair, but not in the original style.
And they are VERY COMFORTABLE!!!! My feet weren't even sore at the end of the day Saturday!! No blisters or anything!