Sunday, September 30, 2007

Anne's 6th Birthday

I'm a week late on posting this, but here are a couple of pictures from Anne's birthday party last Sunday. We decided to have it at the city park since our house has been in such disarray from remodeling. It worked out great!! The kids had plenty of room to run and play, and it didn't start raining until the party was over! Isn't God great!!! I can't believe my oldest is already 6! She's turning into such young girl. Gone are the toddler and little girl days.

Happy Birthday, Anne! We love you very much!

Here's the party posse!
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Anne's First Gymnastics Lesson

Anne has been on a waiting list for Upward Bound Gymnastics since May this year. They finally called the day before her birthday. She was so excited!!! She had been waiting all summer! She already knows how to do cartwheels and summer saults pretty well. I was impressed with all she got to do in the first lesson. They had her practice one-handed cartwheels, backhand springs, flip on the uneven bars, etc. This place is Christian owned and operated and definitely worth the wait. Anne can't wait to go back. Naomi would love to be in gymnastics, too, but we're going to wait a little while. I think she would like ballet or some type of dance better. We'll see.

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Fifth Sunday Sing!

I'm not sure if all baptist churches do this, but the church we attend and my parents church does. When there are 5 Sundays in a month, the fifth Sunday night service is a singing service. I decided to take the girls to mom and dad's church because my brother, Jaron, was playing in the praise band. They did a fantastic job!! Of course, I'm a little biased. :)
My brother is the guitarist on the far right. Every time I tried to get a shot of him he would move further right. :)
Here is a little bit better shot of him. He really enjoys playing the drums, too.

Each of the guys took turns singing on various songs. This just happens to be the one Jaron was singing. I told you I was biased. :)
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Monday, September 17, 2007

A Birthday Shout Out to my Little Bro., Jaron!!

Happy 20th Birthday, Jaron!!
We celebrated his birthday this weekend, but today is THE DAY!!
Happy birthday to you, and MANY MORE!!
We love you!!!
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Friday, September 14, 2007

Benton Co. Fair

This week is Benton Co. Fair week. Today they let school groups in for free, and the kiddie rides were free until noon!! The home school group that Andy and I joined met this morning to attend the fair as a school group. The girls had a BLAST!!!!! My jaws became sore through the morning because of all the smiling and laughing the girls and I did!! We were there for about 3 hours! I even held up rather well in spite of the fact that I'm due in 6 weeks!
The girls really enjoyed petting the animals. Anne liked it more than Naomi, but she pet a few, too. Although, she was ready to leave the building because of the smell--Naomi is such a girl! :)
This young man let the girls pet and feed his cow by hand. Even Naomi got into the action.
Of course, what would a fair be without a carousel. I even rode this one, but I sat on one of th benches. Could you imagine me 8 months pregnant on a horse--LOL!
The girls enjoyed feeling like they were flying on this ride. I'm not sure I would have ridden it at their age. I was so proud of them today. They rode every ride available to them. I was really impressed with how much they wanted to try anything. I can't wait to take them next year!!
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

First Dentist Visit

The girls had their first dentist visit today!! I took them to a pediatric dentist. As you can see Anne got to play games while waiting. It was fun to watch her because we don't have a Play Station or anything like that. Naomi was playing on other toys.

Anne did such a good job while the hygenist cleaned her teeth. It also helped that she could watch Nick, Jr. on the TV screen above her head, and listen to it on head phones. :)

Naomi started out okay, but that quickly changed!! They put some purple stuff on her teeth to check how well she was brushing. I'm not sure if that scared her, or what, but she was off that table quickly. I had to finish brushing her teeth for the hygenist. It got more interesting when the dentist wanted to check her teeth, but we managed. Hopefully it will all go better in 6 months!

Anne had a great time, and it shows. She even did great when they took x-rays of her teeth. She seemed to enjoy the whole process. Naomi's picture with the dentist didn't turn out so great. :) Maybe next time.
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